A Message from Executive Director Jackie Thu-Huong Wong
First 5 California is excited to announce that the planning of the 2024 Summit is in full swing!
I want to personally invite our friends and partners to First 5 California's biennial Child Health, Education, and Care Summit at the Oakland Marriott City Center on March 25‐27, 2024.
We are thrilled to return to an in-person event that will allow us to convene and share our collective knowledge around new and improved systems-change frameworks and initiatives focused on our North Star and Audacious Goal.
This year's theme, Stronger Starts: 25 Years of First 5, represents the shared commitment that all children ages 0 to 5 and their families enjoy the opportunity to thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments necessary to achieve healthy development. The Summit provides the ideal forum for early childhood stakeholders to learn from, collaborate with, and inspire one another.
We encourage you to promote and spread your knowledge and expertise by applying to present or sponsoring this outstanding event. By becoming a sponsor, your organization will support opportunities for professional development, ongoing education, and networking for people who work with California's youngest children and their families ‐ in turn, we'll inform them of your organization's commitment to children's health, education, and care.
We hope you will use this unique opportunity to engage with hundreds of peers and colleagues, and representatives from government, corporate, and philanthropic sectors who share your interests and commitment to improve the lives of California's children and families.
For details on Summit activities, please contact the event organizers at events@first5.ca.gov or call the First 5 California office at (916) 263-1050. For questions on the Call for Presentations, please email Cathy Murnighan at cathy@mwmanagementgroup.com
We can't wait to SEE you at the Summit in spring 2024!